VIKERO | Choose the right needle, double the efficiency

<32G universal nine-pin>
in market feedback
No leakage
It is an advantage that ordinary needles cannot match and saves liquid.
Unique silicone design
Prevent leakage during use
Make the most of liquids

0.23mm needle diameter
Extra large inner diameter
Can meet the injection needs of different liquids
Not easy to block, easier to inject
Efficiently and smoothly enters the skin

Small wound, less bleeding
12° beveled tip and innovative laser cutting process
Penetrates skin easily

<34G extremely fine nine needles>
The finer the needle diameter
The puncture marks will be smaller
The pain becomes lighter
Based on this principle, the 34G ultra-fine nine needles that are almost painless were developed.

0.18mm needle diameter and micron-level "golden three-section" technology
Easily completes epidermal and deep liquid replenishment
Provide customers with the best comfort and experience
Minimal trauma to the skin
Almost no pain, almost no needles, minimal bleeding

This extremely fine needle is ideal for injections into sensitive skin and sensitive areas of the face
offers a unique solution
Make the operation more efficient
Nine needles push the liquid evenly for better absorption and achieve the best effect
Quick recovery after surgery

Needle selection can determine to some extent
Management efficiency
So how to choose between 32G and 34G?

1. It needs to be determined according to the consistency of the liquid. Liquid fluid products can choose 34G. Products with relatively high consistency generally choose 32G. If the selection is inappropriate, it will easily cause blockage and needle explosion.

2. The 32G needle is compatible with most instruments on the market and can be used for injection with hand-held instruments; the 34G needle is extremely thin and has large hydraulic resistance when injecting fluid, making it suitable for high-precision instruments with strong negative pressure.