Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -1

Hello, sisters

This is a water-light kinetic energy Su'anli article that is not correct. Everything is based on my real experience and is for your reference only.

There seems to be a big temperature difference between day and night in the morning and evening recently.

I turned on the heater to sleep last night, and when I woke up this morning, my neck felt very painful.

In such dry weather, my skin becomes really bad. So even if you want to be lazy, you still have to pay attention to skin care in this weather

Before I graduated from college, I really didn’t care about my face at all. Now that I’m older, I suddenly realize that starting to take care of skin care requires spending more energy∠(°ゝ°). It’s really like not wanting to study when I was a child, but only when I grow up. Know the importance of readingTT

Everyone must be familiar with the terms "hydrous skin" and "hydrous air cushion".

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -2

So about water-light injection, all sisters who have a little knowledge of medical aesthetics should know about it. But students who don’t know it may still not know the principle of water injection~

To put it simply, it injects nutrients directly into the skin to reach the deepest part. Breaking through the epidermis allows the skin to absorb nutrients directly.

Compared with usual times, we are diligent, dedicated and pious and apply no matter how expensive facial masks, expensive essence SKX, Hexna, small x bottles every day. Most of them are blocked by the epidermis of the skin, and the skin actually absorbs less than 10% of the nutrients.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -3

The so-called collagen drink taken orally, and nutritional supplements such as enzymes have very little effect on skin care.

However, water-light injection allows nutrients to penetrate the epidermis through the needle and reach the mesoderm to achieve the most ideal skin care effect.


Even though many sisters know that this treatment is effective, because it is so painful and the skin is broken and bleeding, they feel that it is really unnecessary to spend money to suffer. T

Hey, it would be great if hydrotherapy was not painful and did not require a simple one-week recovery period, hahaha

But compared to the nine-tailed fox who has to eat a hundred kinds of poisonous weeds to become Daji, there is always a price to pay for becoming beautiful, right?

Before doing the water treatment, just reading the postscript made me hesitate for a whole year.

As a result, the skin ages another year. . .

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -4

But just after seeing me preparing to get married, Tiezi suddenly became much better visible to the naked eye, as if he was glowing.

I asked her nonchalantly what essence she had been using recently, and she told me that it was a hydrating injection.

For a medical beauty novice like me, when I mentioned Filorga before, I stupidly said that I had used Filorga’s Shiquanda facial mask.

After a little understanding, I realized that this was not the case at all.

In the end, Tiezi asked me the name of the dermatology institution. As soon as the discussion was over, I paid for the facial.

Yes, sometimes it is so efficient

There are really various types of skin injections from various brands, but which one is suitable for you is really a headache for novices.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -5

Let me first talk about my skin condition
Age: 25 years old
Occupation: Internet company
Skin: pores, closed mouth, dry skin, dull skin, occasional acne breakouts
The requirements are relatively simple, that is, my skin will not break out when I apply makeup, it will be easy to apply makeup, my skin base can support my makeup cleanly, and my pores will not be visible without makeup.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -6
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -7

So the doctor recommended to me South Korea's Xiu Mu Ning Kinesin, Filorga's replacement.

In fact, I wanted to play Filorga before, but Filorga Red 135 is not qualified in China. So there are often fakes.

The hospital I went to was more strict and the products on the shelves were all certified products, so they were very expensive.

The price is completely different from what I heard TT.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -8

Although the kinetic energy of Therapeel/SeoMooning is imported from South Korea, it has formal domestic approval in China. It is very safe. The manufacturer of the famous "Jun Ji Hyun Water Light" Chanel Serofe Injection is the same pharmaceutical factory "BNC KOREA" in South Korea, and the Korean ENBS Research Institute.

Why is it better to import kinetic energy elements with original packaging? Because bottling such kinetic energy requires very high craftsmanship. Endotoxins (Gram-negative bacteria) are produced after production

Domestically, there are currently only one or two pharmaceutical companies that have such technology.

However, the imported kinetic energy has safety risks due to complicated channels and lack of domestic qualified medical approval documents.

Even if there is approval, the price will be extremely expensive. The wallet cannot afford to hurt TOT.

But this Xiu Mu Ning Kinetic Element solves these two problems very well.

It has safe ingredients and imported technology, and has the qualifications to enter hospitals and other medical clinics for mesotherapy.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -9

Kinetic element is inherently expensive water light. So we should keep our eyes open even more

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -10
The self-proclaimed kinetic energy of other brands is almost all processed and labeled by small factories. The endotoxin content exceeds the standard and poses a great safety risk. Because these OEM factories do not have the technology to degrade endotoxins, it is difficult to achieve a truly sterile workshop. You may not feel anything abnormal once or twice, but when toxins accumulate in the human body to a certain extent, they will cause skin ulcers.
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -11

For sisters who are more cautious in this aspect, it is right to choose this kinetic element.

So based on my appearance and skin condition, plus my (first time) face, the doctor recommended me a combination of kinetic energy + basic moisturizer.

Then adjust the needle to be shorter. It seems to be 1.2mm.

Tell me the effect you will get is: moisturizing + elasticity + reduction of fine lines + anti-aging (reserve a wait-and-see attitude on this for now).

The difference between kinetic energy elements and water-light needles is that kinetic energy elements are like fertilizing, while water-light needles are like watering. Take Filorga 135HA as an example. It contains 6 kinds of coenzymes + 12 kinds of vitamins + 6 kinds of minerals + 5 kinds of nucleic acids + 23 kinds of amino acids. It also contains 5 mg of hyaluronic acid per ml. As everyone knows, hyaluronic acid is hydrating. , kinetic energy while replenishing water completely improves the entire ecosystem of the skin, stimulates the continuous regeneration of collagen in the skin, restores the skin to its youthful thickness, fundamentally eliminates various signs of skin aging, and restores youthfulness.

If it's your first time, just try it like this first. So we made arrangements quickly.

As we get older, we really need to start fighting against aging.

Therefore, kinetic energy is really a good anti-aging product. It enhances collagen synthesis and induces skin regeneration.

Especially those who need to shrink pores,

When I do a blackhead removal mask at home, I feel disgusted every time. After removing the blackheads, all that is left are bottomless black holes.

My pores are not clean no matter how hard I squeeze them.

Also, it looks like nothing, but there are small raised openings, and when squeezed out, there are yellow particles like oil particles.

After the age of 25, skin collagen growth slows down rapidly. When collagen growth slows down, the amount of collagen in the dermis begins to decrease. Therefore, the elasticity supporting the skin will decrease. So fine lines form.

In addition, you may have a misunderstanding. Sisters with sensitive skin are actually more suitable for water treatment to rebuild the skin barrier.

If you want to repair this elasticity that is starting to break down over time. Restore the softness of your face to that of a high school student. You can try kinetic energy to restore the skin's elasticity.

This kinetic element is also known as Xiao Hong Ping, a girl group in South Korea, and is very suitable for young girls born in the 90s.

Xiumu Ning Kinogen contains 24 kinds of amino acids that promote the growth of synthetic collagen and 2 kinds of GAGS, which can maintain the proliferation ability of fibroblasts.

And 5 essential peptides for anti-aging.

Therefore, it is also called the kinetic energy of the girl group

In addition to collagen, antioxidant peptides are also added to repair damaged DNA.


if you

  • Even after regular use of scrub cleansers, my skin still feels thick and full of dirt.
  • My skin is rough and I can't put on makeup without applying foundation. The makeup effect is not good.
  • I feel very tight right after washing my face.
  • If you want to do it just once, you can see the moisture in your skin increase and the pores shrink.

Then it’s right to choose kinetic mesotherapy!

Jimei people who have the same needs as me should choose safe and secure kinetic energy for their first time doing water treatment.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -12
Sometimes my skin is dry, and sometimes I have oily makeup that comes off in three hours. . It's me
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -13
Sometimes when I go out without makeup or go to work, my colleagues will ask me if I stayed up late yesterday or if I went drinking. . . Depend on

So at the young age of 25, I started to want to give it a try.

In fact, the time of injecting water is not long, it is over in about ten minutes. I heard that manual injecting is more painful, so I chose Demasha's machine injecting.

I still have to thank the director who applied the moisturizer for me. He was very attentive and attentive to the application. There was almost no waste of medicine and it was applied directly into my skin.

Then I applied numbing cream, so it actually didn't hurt at all compared to what I imagined.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -14
Xiu Mu Ning + Basic Aqua Salmon

Immediately after the operation, I was given sedation management, which mainly consisted of medical cold compresses to reduce redness and spectrum sedation from LED lights.

By the time the water light was over, the entire treatment was very comfortable. Because the director of this skin management did not let me see a little blood from the beginning to the end. It was also super relaxing and had music playing. (I get particularly nervous if I see blood).

But after looking at the gauze, I could see that there was only a little bit of blood. Because there are blood vessels in the dermis, bleeding also shows that the medicine is truly penetrated.

After the water-light injection, the hospital also gave me a bottle of repair essence for seven days. I purchased another repairing facial cream separately~

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -15
Haha my kitten
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -16
It’s almost finished now. I feel like this repair cream can be used as a daily face cream without any problem. I love it for sensitive skin.

Fortunately, he recovered well.

Effect after 4 days

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -17
The skin is really brightened! Is it because of glutathione?
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -18
The effect after half a month

I really haven’t taken a selfie for more than half a year because of this face. Now I feel super satisfied when I look in the mirror every day o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -19
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -20
Putting a little air cushion on the nose and both sides of the nose is like grinding the skin.
Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -21
The makeup is really easy to apply and my makeup doesn’t fall off for almost ten hours this month. My skin feels like it did when I took the art exam in my senior year of high school.

I just put on a light cushion and didn’t apply any concealer.

You can really see the difference! ! !

There is really a difference between basic water light and kinetic energy. One is affordable water gloss, and the other is expensive water gloss. But the Xiumuning small red bottle is really the price of a basic water light, and the quality is beyond Filorga! ! I searched for this flagship store of Kinesu on Taobao, but since I don’t know how to give it, I had to go to the hospital for it. . .

In short, kinetic hormone is really the magic weapon for human rejuvenation TT. Next time I have an event, I will definitely buy a few bottles of this brand of kinetic hormone and keep it in the dermatology department for regular use.

With my current skin, I can no longer accept a pitted and dull face.

I am grateful to this brand for bringing such good kinetic energy back to China to benefit human women. I plan to spend all my future cosmetic investments on moisturizers. In the future, I will buy cheaper skin care products and more expensive moisturizers.

If the sisters' wallets are not thick enough and they want to impress Neng Su. Then you must use this small powder bottle of kinetic energy from Xiu Mu Ning, please.

Comparable to Filorga, there is finally an approved kinetic energy factor with extremely high cost performance - therapeel Xiu Mu Ning: -22