Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started

Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class is arranged as follows:

Class 1: Micro-injection general class 8800 for five days and five nights, 800 deposit is required, report on March 5th, classes from 6-10
2: Micro-injection general class 8800 for five days and five nights, 800 deposit is required, reported on March 12th, classes will be held from 13th to 17th
3: Hair and eyebrow transplantation class 8800 for four days of study, 800 deposit required, report on March 12th, classes on 13-16th

Registration hotline: 020-88522693

Welcome to register for the 126th Injection, Thread Sculpting and Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery Academic Conference of Guangzhou NTU Medical Cosmetology

Register on March 5th, classes will be held from March 6th to March 10th
13 years of clinical practice in a prestigious gold medal school, the National Grade A Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University, integrating theory with practice and interactive exercises to ensure that every student can practice hands-on operations, with one-on-one hands-on guidance! During the study period, free explanations will be given on how to operate a business legally and how to apply for a medical cosmetology business license. A completion certificate will be issued at the end of the study!

Micro plastic surgery comprehensive class teaching content:

1. Injections:
1. Facial tissue anatomy and overall facial design.
2. How to use micro-plastic surgery products: How to use various micro-plastic surgery products such as hyaluronic acid, wrinkle removal, lipolysis, lifting, and whitening.
3. Wrinkle removal items: crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, neck wrinkles, Sichuan-shaped wrinkles, nasolabial folds, dorsal nose wrinkles, etc.
4. Filling items: temples, sunken cheeks, lying silkworms, rhinoplasty, nasolabial folds, chin, tear troughs, apple muscles, pouty lips, etc.
5. Lifting items: Overall lifting of the neck, chin, cheeks, corners of the mouth, wings of the nose, corners of the eyes, upper eyelids, forehead, etc.
6. Face slimming projects: slimming masseter muscles and slimming double chin.
7. Autologous fat transplantation, PRP autologous blood wrinkle removal, water light injection, and Ranya Tongfa injection.

2. Thread carving:
1. Absorbable PDO buried thread face lift, 4D invisible face lift, beauty thread, spiral tether thread, barbed absorbable thread lift, absorbable suspension thread, Misko rhinoplasty, etc.

3. Surgery:
1. Double eyelid surgery items: Korean three-point double eyelid surgery and polymer thread-embedded double eyelid design techniques, ABC three-point positioning, Korean small incision liposuction, incision suturing, etc. Remove eye bags, lift eyebrows, open canthus of eyes!
Can you study all of the above courses? At Guangzhou Nanda Medical Aesthetics, you are guaranteed to get a full result. Seats are limited, so hurry up and register!
1. Tuition fee is 8,800 yuan per person (including study fees, materials fees, consumables fees and 5 days of meals, no hidden consumption during the study period)
2. Accommodation will be arranged uniformly and all expenses will be borne by yourself.

Before registration, you need to provide "ID card number + full name + contact number + deposit 800" for appointment registration.
A certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the course. Please prepare two two-inch blue background photos.

Registration hotline: 020-88522693

Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -1Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -2Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -3Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -4Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -5Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -6Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -7Registration for NTU courses is now open! The 126th study class has started: -8