Rejuran Skinbooster 3+3 Rejuran 3+3

【Skinbooster3+3 can also be called baby water light needle】​‎ ͏

Composed of 3 bottles of agent A + 3 bottles of agent B

Ingredients of agent A: c-PDRN: DNA fragments extracted from salmon, segmented skin tissue regeneration catalyst (skin healing booster) HA solution: Increase skin moisture , remove free radicals and help cells proliferate and migrate (main ingredient of water light needle)

Ingredients of Agent B: Amino Acid: 4 kinds of amino acids (ammonium glycinate, L-ammonium lysine, L-leucine + L-proline) promote the production of collagen elasticity and sexual fibers. Necessary substances that help prevent aging and maintain skin moisture (the representative product is Luofeiganogen)

So to put it simply, skinbooster3+3 is the perfect combination of Livzon Orchid Acupuncture and Philo, which makes the body and ingredients more pure and correct.