Hearty 2.5ml

1. Basic product information

Hi Body 2.5ml is mainly aimed at tightening and lifting. After injection, it can supplement effective nutrients to the dermis and improve skin relaxation and other problems caused by aging.

2. Hibody product batch number

HiTi is a Class III medical device product in my country. Log in to the website of the China Food and Drug Administration and enter the product registration number 20163461804 to query the product registration information.

3. Product ingredients and efficacy analysis

High Body 2.5ml product ingredients: sodium hyaluronate, L-carnosine, glycine, alanine, proline, vitamin B2

1. Sodium hyaluronate
Also known as medical grade hyaluronic acid, it can penetrate deep into the skin, replenish moisture in the skin, and has the effect of lifting and moisturizing the skin. It can induce the secretion of collagen, which can be degraded by free radicals and enzymes in the body, thereby achieving anti-aging effects.
2. L-carnosine
L-carnosine is a natural dipeptide composed of β-alanine and L-histidine. It has antioxidant effects, effectively resists free radical damage in the skin environment, and has a protective effect on the reconstructed collagen fiber structure. It has the effect of maintaining the body's pH balance and extending the life of cells.
3. Various amino acids: proline, glycine, alanine
Amino acids are essential nutrients for the human body, and are the most abundant amino acids in collagen. Proline, glycine, and alanine assist the body's own fibroblasts to secrete a large amount of collagen and improve skin elasticity.
4. Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, forms two coenzymes in the form of phospholipids in tissues, namely flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Assists collagen fibrosis, forming collagen fibers through the triple polymerization of collagen synthesis, collagen fiber production, and collagen fiber reconstruction, which can maintain and regulate the body's normal metabolism.


Efficacy summary

1) Firming and lifting:Repair damaged cells, restore normal metabolism, and increase skin collagen content. And forms a new autologous collagen network structure under the dermis to lift the face and tighten the skin.
2) Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle:Effectively resists free radicals, protects the reconstructed collagen fiber structure, promotes cell regeneration and prevents aging. Improve the efficiency of collagen fiber network structure reconstruction, promote collagen proliferation, and smooth facial fine lines.
3) Smooth neck lines:Directly acts on the dermis of the neck, quickly activating the collagen secretion ability of fibroblasts and improving collagen fiber synthesis. After use, it has moderate softness and hardness, and no hardness. It is currently a very effective way to fill neck wrinkles.
4) Resilience:Through the triple polymerization of collagen synthesis, collagen fiber production, and collagen fiber reconstruction, collagen fibers are formed, thereby restoring the volume and elasticity of the dermal layer and restoring the youthful radiance of the skin.
5) Brighten skin tone:A variety of nutrients are directly injected into the dermis to systematically establish healthy skin microcirculation, which can brighten skin tone and achieve the effect of removing yellowing and melanosis.
6) Delicate skin:Increase the moisture content of the skin, stimulate the regeneration of collagen, help improve the uneven parts of the face, and gradually restore the skin to be delicate and smooth.