GSH white jade gray

Chinese name] White Jade Gray Whitening Injection [(White Jade, Cinderella, VC)
[Main raw materials and nutrients] Cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid
[Whether it contains preservatives] No
[Main edible effects] Antioxidant, integrated detoxification
[Suitable for people] Aging skin, dark complexion, more fat, prone to fatigue.

[Korean Whitening Glutathione Application]
Glutathione has broad-spectrum detoxification effects. It can not only be used in medicines, but also can be used as the base material of functional foods. It is widely used in functional foods such as delaying aging, enhancing immunity, and anti-tumor.
Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide that is combined with glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine and contains a sulfhydryl group. It has antioxidant and integrated detoxification effects. The sulfhydryl group on cysteine is the active group of glutathione (so glutathione is often abbreviated as G-SH), which is easy to interact with certain drugs (such as paracetamol) and toxins (such as free radicals, iodoacetic acid, mustard gas, Lead, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals), and has an integrated detoxification effect. Therefore, glutathione (especially glutathione in liver cells) can participate in biotransformation, thereby converting harmful poisons in the body into harmless substances and excreted from the body. Glutathione also helps maintain normal immune system function.

[Cinderella’s three major effects]
1.    Reduce body fat, increase fat burning rate, increase heat energy formation, promote metabolism,
2.    Improve skin, whiten effect, detoxify, prevent skin aging.
3.    Strengthen immunity and prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

[Principle of white jade ash]
Cinderella inhibits the increase of active acid through its anti-acidification power which is 400 times equivalent to vitamin C and E.
As age increases, the body's anti-acidification function and detoxification and detoxification functions decline. Cinderella injection can improve the anti-acidification function and detoxification function.
Unlike vitamins, Cinderella injection can penetrate into water-soluble and fat-soluble tissues and has a strong anti-acidification function.
The main ingredient of Cinderella injection is a-sulfur zinc acid, which can suppress appetite, promote energy consumption and reduce weight.
In addition, vitamin C is also an important antioxidant in the body. Because vitamin C can reversibly hydrogenate or dehydrogenate, vitamin C plays an important role in many redox reactions in the body. For example, the active group of many enzymes is a sulfhydryl group (-SH). Vitamin C can maintain -SH in a reduced state and maintain enzyme activity; vitamin C can convert oxidized glutathione into reduced glutathione (GSH). ), reducing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) produced by body metabolism; vitamin C can also protect vitamins A, E and some B vitamins from oxidation. Therefore, when using glutathione, it can be used together with vitamin C to improve its efficacy.

[Pharmacological effects] This product can promote the metabolism of sugar, fat and protein, accelerate the excretion of free radicals, and protect the synthesis, detoxification, and inactivation of hormones in the liver.
[Hepatoprotective Effect] Due to the detoxification and antioxidant capabilities of glutathione itself, glutathione has an important hepatoprotective effect. Reduced glutathione is used clinically as an important pharmaceutical ingredient for liver protection.
[Clinical Application] Suitable for adjuvant treatment of fatty liver, poisoning and viral hepatitis.
[Adverse reactions] Rarely nausea, vomiting, headache, and rare rash.
[Notes] It is prohibited for those who are allergic to this product, and it must not be used in combination with vitamin B12, menadione, calcium pantothenate, orotic acid, antihistamines, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines.

[8 major functions of Korean White Jade Gray Whitening Injection]
⑵ Radiation sickness and radiation protection;
⑶Protect the liver;
⑸Improve the course and symptoms of certain diseases;
⑹ Beauty and skin care;
⑺Increase vision and eye diseases;
⑻ Anti-aging effect.

【Main functions】
1. Whiten skin. Reduce melanin, yellow pigment, and dullness;
2. Resist oxidation and aging of body tissues and enhance immunity;
3. Activate cells. Helps eliminate toxins and heavy metals (such as lead, mercury, etc.), cleans the internal environment, protects the liver and refreshes the mind;
4. Protect skin tissue, liver and kidneys all over the body (especially suitable for those who stay up late and have poor liver function);
5. Remove stains and restore fair skin. It has the effect of whitening and brightening black, yellow, rough skin and dull color patches.

【Injection method】
Method 1: Korean white jade needles, a box of 10 needles, 10 needles is a course of treatment, 1 bottle of white jade is mixed with 100ml of normal saline or 250ml.
White Jade + Cinderella has a better effect. One bottle of Cinderella also needs to be mixed with 100ml of normal saline or 250ml. Cinderella is the partner of white jade. After the white jade is injected, Cinderella is injected 1 or 2 days later, and then white jade is injected 1 or 2 days later, and so on. Just intravenous drip. The slower the injection, the better, 30-40 minutes is appropriate. Basically, after 3 to 5 injections, the effect will be obvious. The whitening injection not only has a whitening effect, but also has an effect on fine lines and spots on the skin.
Method 2: Fight White Jade, Cinderella and VC together, 1 White Jade, 1 Cinderella, 5 VC Mix it in 200 ml of normal saline and control the injection time to about 40 minutes, twice a week.
Method 3: Separate injections, mix 2 sticks of vc with white jade, mix it in 100 ml of saline, the injection time is about 40 minutes, after the injection, 40 minutes apart, add 1 stick of cinderella with 3 sticks of vc, mix it with 100 ml of saline, The injection time is about 40 minutes, twice a week.