Red wine skin rejuvenation kit


The rich antioxidant polyphenols extracted from light luxury red wine can neutralize harmful compound free radicals produced in the body's own oxidation reaction, and remove harmful substances that cause skin aging that cannot be washed away by daily cleansing.

Red wine skin rejuvenation kit has unique antioxidant and anti-aging effects, scavenges free radicals, inhibits melanin, fades spots and dullness, improves roughness and dark yellowness, improves skin blood circulation function, and restores youthful, firm and elastic skin. …

Ingredients: Grape polyphenols/rich antioxidant polyphenols and harmful compound free radicals extracted from light luxury red wine, plant SOD (superoxide dismutase)
Efficacy: Anti-oxidation, anti-aging, scavenging free radicals, promoting blood circulation, improving dry and aging skin, removing harmful substances from the skin, inhibiting melanin, fading spots and dullness
Suitable for the crowd: Suitable for all skin types

Product specifications:
Amino acid massage cream 50ml*1

Essence 10ml*10
Collagen silk 5ml*10
Red wine gel 30ml*10
Red wine soft mask powder 35g*10

Operating procedures
1. Clean the face; 2. Use a cream spoon to take a certain amount of amino acid massage cream, massage the face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. (Note: Professional massage is required); 3. Take 1 bottle of 10ml essence + 1 bottle of 5ml Place the collagen filaments in a mixing vessel and mix until all the collagen filaments are dissolved. Use half of the prepared solution and apply it evenly on the face without cleaning (note: professional massage is required); 4. Take a 30ml piece of red wine Apply polyphenol anti-aging gel directly to the face and clean it after 10-15 minutes (note: professional massage is required); 5. Apply the remaining prepared collagen silk evenly to the face, and take a bag of red wine polyphenol anti-aging gel Mix mask powder + 20ml of A water or purified water, apply directly to the face and clean after 10-15 minutes; 6. Finally, use CRD nourishing cream to finish

Operation instruction video